About LEGO Ferrari Daytona SP3 The Sense of Perfection 5007418
Learn about the creative process behind a LEGO Technic model with this exclusive LEGO Technic Ferrari Daytona SP3 The Sense of Perfection book. Uncover insights into the creation of the Ferrari Daytona SP3 (42143) set and the collaboration between the LEGO designers and the team at Ferrari. Explore every step of the design journey through exclusive photography and stunning concept artwork. The 240-page hardcover book is presented in a slipcase, making it a perfect gift for LEGO fans.
- Discover the secrets of LEGO Technic sets – Take a journey into the world of building and engineering with this LEGO Technic Ferrari Daytona SP3 The Sense of Perfection book
- A gift for Ferrari-lovers and building fans – This 240-page hardcover book is presented in a slipcase, so it can be enjoyed time after time
- Dimensions – The book measures over 11.5 in. (28 cm) long and 10.5 in. (26 cm) wide